Thursday, July 26, 2007


This has been a very nice week. I've stayed home from work to help with, and get to know Conrad. We've spent time bonding and relaxing more than I had anticipated. Conrad is a really relaxed an low key baby. He doesn't cry nearly as much as Corwin did, and he sleeps more than Corwin did too. The only time he really seems to get pissed off is when he's hungry or I change his diaper when he's sleeping.

At the supermarket.

Anke, Conrad, and I have taken walks out to marshes and wetlands of Gifford Point yesterday morning and this morning.

The lotus flowers are in bloom.

Anke sporting our her new Ergo baby carrier. It can be used as a front, side or back baby carrier. Anke is very happy with it, and feels it's a great improvement over the Baby Bjorn.

And froggies abound in marshes, which probably excites only me.

Tomorrow I hop a jet air plane for Eric's wedding in Dallas. Anke will stay home with the kids, but Maurice's girlfriend, Bernie, is going to stop by and give Anke a hand. Thank You, So Much, Bernie!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Conrad's Life at Home

So far Conrad has been of a sunny disposition. He doesn't cry much and is sleeping long hours. After his night time feedings he goes back to sleep without too much fuss. He only get really mad at night when changing his diaper. Thus far Conrad is allowing much more sleep for Anke and I that Corwin did.

Corwin is adapting to big brotherhood like a champ. He hasn't been jealous of Little Conrad at all and is always genuinely delighted to see him. Corwin tries very hard to be gentle and wants to hold him regularly. Additionally he wants to carry Conrad and have him play, but the three day old isn't quite ready for rough and tumble play of the two year old yet. I couldn't be more proud of how Corwin is coping with the new addition to the family. It does help that Grandma has been staying with us, making sure that there's plenty of affection to go around. Thanks Mom.


Anke was brought into the hospital Tuesday night to start the induction process. If everything went according to plan, Anke was to have had Conrad sometime during the day, probably afternoon of Wednesday. So I went home that evening so that Corwin would at least have Dad there in the morning. I would get up, take Corwin to daycare at 6:45- when they opened- and proceed to Creighton University Hospital.

When I arrived at just before 7, Anke appeared to be in much pain. Immediately Anke yelled for me to begin massaging her lower back. So I did. The next hour goes like this. Anke screaming, me massaging her back as hard as I can for the next hour. At the end of this time, my wrists are throbbing and I can't feel my finger tips anymore. I challenge any of you to massage someones lower back, as hard as you can for 15 minutes. It isn't pleasant.

Anke was in excruciating pain. The greatest pain she had ever experienced in her life. She had asked for an epidural at some point, but no one seemed to pay attention to her. So 10 minutes later I brought it up for her, again. So they paged the anesthesiologist, and she arrived 10 more minutes later.

(Papa acting like a monster, impressed Conrad not at all.)

The anesthesiologist was very firm, but friendly, telling Anke to sit on the bed and don't move. When having needle stuck in your spine it's important not to move. Just before inserting the big needle in her back, Anke starts saying "The baby is coming!" It takes a few seconds, and Anke saying it a few times before they start to believe her and think to check things out. And little Conrad was coming. I run out into the hall yelling "Get a doctor! She's having the baby!"

So Dr. Babcock, the anesthesiologist, delivers the baby. Anke's doctor later told us that Dr. Babcock was glowing later, as this was the first baby she had delivered in 20 years. So all in all, Anke's actual labor was just over an hour, but she was able to cram all of the pain associated with Corwin's 23 hour labor into that one hour.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Conrad Charles Parker

8:07 AM
9lb 11oz
21 3/4 inches

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Baby still In Utero

Baby is now two days overdue. Anke had a doctors appoint- ment today and they said everything was OK. We are planning on waiting until Monday, and if Baby doesn't arrive by then, on his own, Anke and her OB will start planning for inducing labor. The OB said that they would induce before Monday if Anke wanted, but induced labor is generally more painful. So she is going to wait it out a bit longer.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Baby Animals

Back Yard

Fontenelle Forest

Fontenelle Forest

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Nothing Yet

I was hoping for the baby today (07-07-07), but it looks like the little fella is going to hold off. We even went for a long walking visit to the Zoo this morning to try and help things along. But no luck.

The official due date is Monday the 9th. A month ago I was sure that Baby would be here by now, judging by how Anke felt and the size of her belly. Shows what I know.