Italians think they're so damn important that they have to have
their own holiday. I'm looking at you Tony. Can't they make up some cool holiday like the Irish and St. Patty's day where everyone gets drunk on green beer?
Noooo, they've got to celebrate some guy who discovered America about 500 years after the vikings. And several thousand years after the Native Americans. But anyway, with
thier holiday comes the closing of the
government. And
Corwin's daycare is in a
government building. So even though I'm supposed to work, he can't go to daycare on Columbus Day. So I took
Corwin to the zoo Monday afternoon.
Corwin had fun playing on the brass lion pride at

the Henry
Doorly Zoo's main
entrance. He ran through the Desert Dome and wanted to play in all of the puddles and water falls that exist through out the complex. I got to watch the jack rabbits, which I rather enjoy. The older ones always have these torn up ears from numerous battles.

Who knew that bunnies could be such warriors? We then went to the aquarium and played around the penguin tanks. We went through the tunnel aquarium next and
Corwin became infatuated with these two girls that were maybe 6 or 7. He does this all the time, he'll see a cute little girl much too old for him, and stare at her or follow her around hoping to be friends. He is a terrible flirt. He should be more respectable like his father.