Maurice and I went to see Social D on May Day.
The first opening act was The Black Halos. They were kind of like the Evil Dead 2 of punk bands. Like Evil Dead 2, you're not quite sure if that was supposed to be funny or did it just happen to be funny? It took me awhile decide: Is the lead singer was really trying to be super cool or is it a bit of a
tongue in cheek act? It was when the lead singer took off his shirt and he had a bit of a Chris
Willcolm build (a round belly and narrow chest) that I decided, he can't be taking himself too seriously. I liked them a bit better after that. Musically I thought that they were a talented band, but the lead singer needs to learn how to sing. I could never understand him.
Band two was I Hate Kate, and they were very good. More of a modern rock band, but very strong. ...this post is now continued almost a week later. I'm sure there was more that I wanted to say about I Hate Kate, but I can't recall what it was. Anyway, I liked them.
I like Socol Auditorium. It's an old place in south Omaha, that has lots of character. And no air conditioning. It is set up mainly like a giant high school auditorium, but with no seats. There is a balcony that rings the main floor, giving a good view of the stage if you are in the first couple of rows. But Maurice said that the balcony is a good 10 degrees hotter than the floor. When we got there early the building was comfortably cool and it remained that way though the first two bands. Then it rapidly started heating up as the energy level was noticeably raised when Social D took the stage. They played a variety of tracks from their whole catalog of albums including favorites like Prison Bound, Ball and Chain and Highway 101 from their newest album. A couple of covers were included- The Stones Under My Thumb, Hank Williams Sr.'s Six More Miles and of course Ring of Fire made popular by Johnny Cash, but written by his wife June Carter before their marriage. The didn't play my favorite Social D song Story of my Life, but that was the only disappointment of the night.
Social Distortion played with the precision that one would expect of a band that's been around since the late 70's, but more energy than one might expect of guys on the north side of their mid 40's. I was surprised by how old they looked until I thought about how long Mike Ness has been making rock 'n roll. And I doubt they were all easy years.
It was also fun seeing Omaha's Rockabilly crowd come out. There was an authentic rad rod parked across from Socol when we came in. If I had more garage space and time. And money. I'd really enjoy having a rat rod. Along with several other cars. But now I'm getting off topic. There were several cats there with the slicked back black hair or horn rimmed glasses or black and white wing tips. The punk girls with tattoos and 50's style bobbed hair, the tight capri pants and string tank tops. Yummy. I love punk girls.
A grand night out, and one of my last ones for the next year or so.