So in the past month: Anke's parent's came for a visit. My parent's came for a weekend visit. We went hiking a couple of times. Went to the farmers market and a Harvest Festival at Gifford Farm. Corwin got to ride a pony there. I installed a new alternator in the Alero. Corwin was sick. Conrad was sick. Scotty was sick. I had a terrible headache and all of my joints hurt. My spine, neck, ankles, knees, wrists. Not very pleasant. Anke was luckily spared. We borrowed Uncle Mo's jeep for a couple of days. That was perhaps the highlight of Corwin's month. Maybe the pony was, it's a tough call, he is very fond of Jeeps. I donated blood today and my arm hurts more than usual from it. The blood girl was friendly and cute, but not so good with a needle. I'm not sure if the friendly and cute make up for the lack of needle process or not.
Conrad starts growing into a real little person. He is really interactive now, instead of just an eating, sleeping, pooing machine. His little hands get nimble and grasp each other and anything else coming into reach. Conrad smiles and laughs. I had both children on my lap the other night and Conrad grasped the back of Corwin's jammies. Corwin decided to get up and run around, because that's what he does, and Conrad was still grasping the collar of Corwin's jammies. Corwin turns around and says, "Conrad! Stop pulling my jammies!"