For Christmas Mom got me a couple of CDs on my Amazon wish list. One is Flogging Molly's Whiskey on a Sunday and the other is Dropkick Murphys' Warrior's Code. They are similar in that they are both a sort of punk/Irish folk music bands, but they come at it from different angles. Flogging Molly are more rooted in the folk music, but all of their songs are written by them. They don't have any traditional folk songs on their albums. Much of it sounds old, only with some electric guitar and a fast punk beat thrown in on occasion. Whereas Dropkick Murphy's is a full on punk band with an Irish influence of bagpipes and the occasional fiddle. And they will cover some old songs such as a rolling rendition of Captain Kelly's Kitchen and a beautiful cover of The Greenfields of France. Both good bands and recommended by me.
Cast iron skillets rock. I got a cast iron skillet this summer so that I could cook some side dishes on the Webber grill this summer. But you have to cook the skillet in the over for a couple of hours after slathering it with Crisco, and I never got around to doing that until fall. So it never made it to the grill, but we've been using it constantly on the stove. It cooks more evenly than a nonstick skillet and if you oil it regularly it is even more nonstick than said nonstick skillet. The only downside is it's heavy and the handle gets hot, it being iron and all.