This year Mayor Mike Fahey arranged for Bright Eyes to play. Bright Eyes is basically Omaha native Conor Oberst and whoever is playing with him at the moment. They are nationally known and recognized on the Indie scene. The music isn't really accessible the first time you hear it, but is very good if given a chance. Some of thier music is conteporary rock, while other is really folk or country inspired.
Bright Eyes played from around 8:10 to 9:40. It rained heavy and steady from around 8 to 9:15. Cell phone cameras suck, but here is a picture of soaked Scotty just as the band started. I have to get me a pocketsize digital camera at some point. The show was really great despite the fact that I was cold, wet and blinder than usual for most of it. I should have worn contacts and a rain parka. But the crowd that stuck around was good (but rather young, or I'm getting rather old.) Some people created a mud slide on one of the hills. And who doesn't love girls covered in mud?
Conor Oberst and crew are talented. They sounded great live and have a violin in the band. There is a serious dearth of modern bands taking advantage of the violin/fiddle. If I weren't so lazy- and lacking of any musical skill what-so-ever- I'd learn how to play violin.
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