This is a shot of Schneeburg- Snow Mountain in German- where Anke grew up and we spend several days.

Oma Renate and Tante Ursel with a napping Corwin.

Corwin's little path.

Water Lillies.

Anouk's Racer.

If you'll look closely you'll notice that the little square bale of hay is flying through the air. That's right, the red thing forms the bale of hay then flings in into the following cart. While we've been fighting a war in Iraq our great country has taken the eye off of the ball and been surpassed in the ever important field of hay-baling technology.

A lake where we spent the afternoon hiking.

Some evil genious devised this pool and placed it along a hiking trail to lure in unsuspecting Americans and tourture them. You see, they place a sign there that says walking through fucking cold water on rocks is somehow good for you. He probally also believed that leaches were good for removing the bad humours from the blood. The only refreshing thing about it was how amazing it felt to no longer be in the torture chamber. I did two circuits of the pool. Crazy Inga did five.


Punk toddler flies through the air.

I just like this picure. I does a good job of showing the constant motion that Corwin is in.

Samurai Andre duels with Corwin.

This could maybe be Iowa. It isn't.

Touring the church.

Corwins discovers the beauty of puddles.


Pond of the Dead. Really that's what it's called.
More photos still to come.
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