Last night I was watching the Broncos last game of the season, while trying to stop my son from pressing random buttons on the TV. When buying a TV pre-children you don't think how nice an option it might be to be able to temporarily disable all of the buttons on the TV. Anyway if the Broncos had won they would have advanced to the playoffs. They didn't win, but they were playing with a rookie quarterback who has a bright future so I can live with it. He's no Elway, but he'll be pretty good.
This morning I checked the Denver Post web site to see what some of the post game comments from the coaches and players might have been. The top headline is Darrent Williams was shot and killed last night. I was a bit in shock. Darrent was a 24 year old second year starting cornerback. He was a little guy at only 5'8 and around 165lbs. This isn't far off of Scotty size, and he's a quality starter in the NFL. I had been watching him on TV just over 12 hours earlier. And now he's dead. All that is known now is that he was leaving a night club at two AM New Years Eve in a Hummer Limo. Another vehicle pulled along side it and riddled it with bullets. It's hard to say if they knew who they were shooting at or not, but I tend to believe that these things don't happen completely at random. It saddens me that a life can so suddenly and senselessly be taken. Probably over nothing more than a random drunken disagreement at a night club.
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