So far Conrad has been of a sunny disposition. He doesn't cry much and is sleeping long hours. After his night time feedings he goes back to sleep without too much fuss. He only get really mad at night when changing his diaper. Thus far Conrad is allowing much more sleep for Anke and I that Corwin did.

Corwin is adapting to big brotherhood like a champ. He hasn't been jealous of Little Conrad at all and is always genuinely delighted to see him. Corwin tries very hard to be gentle and wants to hold him regularly. Additionally he wants to carry Conrad and have him play, but the three day old isn't quite ready for rough and tumble play of the two year old yet. I couldn't be more proud of how Corwin is coping with the new addition to the family. It does help that Grandma has been staying with us, making sure that there's plenty of affection to go around. Thanks Mom.
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