I've not been so diligent in posting lately. Works been hectic, and we are still trying to find a groove at home with a 0 and 2 year old to care for. So recreational computer time for me has been minimal. So some random what's been going ons: Conrad came home from the hospital Sunday August 12 and been perfectly fine since. No medicine to give him and he's acting like a normal baby. Hooray.

Last weekend instead of mowing the yard Saturday morning we went to the marsh down the road. Lots of lotus flowers still blooming. Then we took a zoo trip Sunday morning, instead of mowing the yard. Combined with the heat, rain, kids, and shear laziness, the yard is looking a bit jungle like.

Butterflies from the prairie before the marsh.

Me and Conrad napping. I need to do a better job of taking pictures of the little one. Anke has been on the ball and snapping shots, but not so much me. One thing I was on the ball about are play tickets!
Spamalot a musical version of Monty Python's Holy Grail, is coming to the Orpheum theater in Omaha the first week in November. Tickets went on sale at 10:00 am last Thursday. So I skipped out of work at 10:30ish and walked down to the box office to get some. The lad selling tickets helped me pick out some good one. So now we have third row, balcony seats, which are very good at the Orpheum. The other two times we've gone, we've had nose bleed seats way at the back. I'm excited.
On Sunday we're taking a field trip to visit Tony and his wife Jen, along with their boys. This will be Conrad's first trip out of Omaha. Next Wednesday evening Anke's Grandmother Renate and her Great Aunt Ursel are coming for a visit. They are two extremely sweet old ladies, and we are excited that they are visiting.
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