Dropkick Murpheys played at Sokol last night. I had no idea they were in town until about 7:30 last night when I saw a small blurb about it on the Omaha World Hearld web site. So I quickly put Corwin to bed and drove down to Sokol to see if I could still get in. I couldn't, sold out. As I was driving home, it occured to me that I had a rainy day $50 hiding in my wallet. I should have pulled that out and started asking the kids outside if any of them wanted to sell there ticket for double face value. Oh, well.
What really bugs me is that I didn't even know they were playing. I checked their tour schedule on their web site a couple of weeks ago, and Omaha wasn't on it. How did all the punk kids know that they were going to be here and not me? I need to pay more attention.
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