I'm finally getting around to uploading some photos from the past month. Here is Corwin with Sparky the fire dog at Pancake Day.

Tony is kind enough to give Corwin a better view of the Parade.

Corwin and Conrad enjoyed playing with some the toys from the youth of Maurice and myself.

The Crane that Corwin plays with was Maurices. You can tell this due to it's less battered nature as compared to the dump truck which was mine.

Last weekend we went down to the Gifford Farm Fall Festival. Conrad watches the ponies while Corwin is waiting his turn to ride.

Corwin gets his turn riding the Pony. Corwin likes Ponies.

Conrad and I watch Corwin riding. Conrad will get to ride next year.

Corwin and a bushel basket.

The boys play at a water pump.

Corwin and Anke.

Giant tree.

Conrad and Corwin play one of the Xylaphones at Acorn Acres. When I showed Corwin this picture, the first thing he says is, "Conrad's not sharing."
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