Wednesday, January 24, 2007

nobody knows how cool I am

Sometimes at work- like today for example- I do some really clever code. But no one else knows or appreciates it, because to the end user it really looks pretty simple. Which is the point I suppose, to make everything appear easy and intuitive. I'm not sure everyone knows how not easy that is sometimes, though.

Oh, well. Someone will get really excited by some small simple thing that I'll do later, because it appears difficult when it really isn't and I'll get kudos for that. I suppose it all evens out in the end.

1 comment:

Asaraludu said...

LOL! I know how you feel... kinda. I'm just a VB scripter, but I'll sweat out a really clever piece of scripting genius, and all the customer sees is that it took too long to get something that should have been simple. Or rather I WAS a VB scripter - now I'm a mangler, I mean manager. So of course I never do anything clever anymore, and wouldn't get any credit at all even if I did.