*Tony's son Kelton along with Jasmine - flower girl from wedding- at Ben's reception
I went to Des Moines Friday night and Saturday to hang with friends who were in the area for Ben's wedding. I was going to drive the Cutlass, but it supposed to be (and was) freaking hot over the weekend. So I took the Alero instead. As it turns out, the A/C in the Alero has taken a vacation since the last time Anke drove the car. So I could have driven my pimp car anyway. I may have still been hot, but at least I would have looked cool. And really what is more important that looking cool. So I met up with the friends at Hooter's as is customary for us. Drank many beers. Fun was had by all.
The next day was Ben's wedding. I had intended on buying a shirt before the ceremony, but we didn't have time so I bummed the shirt Bill wore the previous night. It looked better on me anyway. So after dropping me off at Hooter's Saturday to get my car, getting lost on the way, we arrived at the 2pm wedding at 2:03. Just behind Eric - who left after us and gave shoddy directions. The ceremony was interesting as the priest sounded just like the priest from
The Princess Bride. (Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday ... And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva...) Well anyway, the priest utters two syllables and this is the first thing that comes into my mind. I look past Deanna (who was takes weddings way more seriously than us) to Eric and Bill. They are trying very hard to keep a strait face. I'm not the only one who has seen
The Princess Bride one too many times. Check that, you can't watch
The Princess Bride too many times. But the ceremony was mostly nice and rather short for a Catholic wedding.
Which brings me to my rant. I'm not Catholic. We all know that. It surprises some people that I don't get struck by lightning stepping inside a church. But what I hate about Catholic weddings is that they make the ceremony more about God and the Church, than Ben and Shelby. It is Ben and Shelby's big day! And it seems like all this priest cares about is making sure that the kids will be raised Catholic. He mentions this several times, and before letting Ben kiss the bride makes them promise- again- to raise the kids to be good little Catholics. Drives me nuts. Let's celebrate the union of Ben and Shelby who love each other and are dedicating thier lives together. If I wanted to be preached at, I'd show up on Sunday.
But the reception in Ben and Shelby's back yard was very nice. They had tents and an open bar. A meadow beyond with wild flowers. Really rather nice. There was a pleasant breeze and it wasn't too hot under the tents. A gin and tonic sounded rather good at that point. Unfortunately I had to bail early. I wanted to get back to Omaha in time to put Corwin to bed.
The drive back was freaking hot with no A/C. And I didn't even look cool doing it.