I now have all of the parts for the Cutlass tranny swap, but the guys that are going to do the work for me haven't been available lately. So my trip next week to the Lake of the Ozarks will be made in the more comfort but less style. As I bitched about previously the A/C in the Alero (stock photo of car faithfully trekking Andre, Inga, Anke and I across Utah in 2004 included) quit, so yesterday I took it to the shop to get the oil changed and A/C recharged. While there the shop guys were kind enough to give the car the old once over to find any other little thing that they could replace. The rear brakes needed replacing and the front left pad was wearing oddly. And the power steering fluid could use flushing. I didn't really want to do it, but at the end of the day I rather enjoy stopping and steering. So I said do it all. Total bill came to north of $600. More than I wanted or expected to spend, but the old Olds has been good to me.

Last night we had an impressive storm roll through Omaha and Anke got a couple of nice pre and post storm photos. For the record, these are two seperate pictures, not the same one photoshopped.
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