This morning we took a field trip to
Fontenelle Forest. It is a nice place with several miles of trails. It has a several mile long boardwalk for those who don't want to dirty their shoes, or perhaps would rather skateboard through the woods. They had signs that said no bicycles (sorry Billy) or horseys (sorry Mom), but I found no signs prohibiting skateboarding. Alas, I haven't skateboarded since my teenage years. Plus we didn't spend much time on the boardwalk.

When we arrived it was still cool, but the humidity was killer. As the morning wore on the temperature rose, yet the humidity stayed very high. When Anke was a young lass, she went hiking in the jungles of Indonesia. Before the Muslim radicals started acting crazy, wanting to blow up all westerner's. It wouldn't be so safe for you and I to go there now. Sad really. But I digress. Back when it was safe, Anke was there. She said the Indonesian jungles got nothing on a Nebraskan forest when it comes to humidity. So it was hot and sweaty and sticky. The little free loader even got sweaty just riding around in a backpack.

We followed one trail that crossed some railroad tracks and led down to the Missouri river. I believe that technically Fontenelle Forest Nature Association lands ends before the tracks. But the trail clearly went down to the river. The mighty mo was as brown as ever. By the river we heard a train coming, so we decided to walk up and watch it. Generally trains slow down for metropolitan areas, so you rarely see them zooming along. But this Amtrak train was officially zooming. I tried to wave at the conductor, but I'm not sure if he actually saw me.
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