The IBM Conference was pretty good. It seemed more geared towards systems programmers than application programmers. But still got some useful stuff out of it. I know a bit more about SOA than I did before and I can talk about Virtualization now if I have to. I found out that COBOL 4 has some built in XML tools which are potentially useful. I had a lot of fun hanging out with Jon and we found my new favorite bar. An Irish place called
O'Flaherty's. It's a really friendly place with a cool racecar driving Irish bartender named Antoine. They also had the dishiest waitresses.

I started back for Omaha on Friday morning at 7. Driving through California wasn't a lot of fun. I got a bit lost at first and ended up going through San Francisco instead of around it. But I only lost maybe an hour.

I really enjoyed the drive through the desert of Nevada. I just like deserts. It would have been nice to have had Anke with me so I could have slowed down to look at some the interesting places. But I was really in a hurry to get home.


This photo doesn't do justice to the beauty of a full moon rising above the mountains of Salt Lake City. Cut me some slack though. It's taken through the windshield at 80 mph after 13 hours of driving.

Big sky country of Wyoming.

The C36 in front of what I believe is Elk Mountain in Wyoming. I don't have any photos of Nebraska as it really isn't extremely interesting. I did make it back to my own bed at 10:30 Nebraska time. That's around 1700 miles in 37 hours total travel time.
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