This morning we got up early- not buy my choice- and decided to go down to the marsh before the day became unbearable. The lotus should be in full bloom by now.

Near the overlook, things aren't in full bloom yet. But there are single flowers here and there.

Across the lake is another story.

All of the photos, excluding one, are taken by Anke. This isn't the one.

I'm generally too busy chasing the hyperactive three year old to stop and watch bees and flowers.

I very much like this picture. Well done, Anke.

I like frogs.

As Corwin and I are walking along the path I notice that there's a beaver looking thing not two feet away from him. Making the rodent about 7ish feet from me. I've glimpsed muskrats down by Hidden Lake before, but generally they take to the water in a jiffy when they notice humans. But this one is just sitting there eating a stick, cool as James Dean. Then he notices there is a tiny human- but still much larger than him- quite near by. And a larger human coming up. So he takes off in the general direction of the water. But more precisely, strait at me! All I can think is that, I just saw his sharp little pointy teeth eating a stick. What will those teeth do to my toes? So as he's coming right for me, I jump and he zooms right underneath me making for the lake. I was inches away from having bloody stumps for toes. I was barely saved by my under appreciated ninja-cat agility. Corwin thought the entire affair entirely too amusing. I'm not sure he comprehends the peril I was in.
Later when Corwin and I were playing else where, the vampire-muscrat came back and Anke was able to shoot a picture of him on the boardwalk.

Corwin hunts for a "giant mouse" with a stick.

The gold finch is the lone photo by your narrator.
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