I'm at home with Corwin today. The daycare called at around 9:30 to let me know that he has a tempreture. I picked him up, and we came home. This illness probally explains why he (and Anke and I) slept so badly last night. But he didn't feel warm last night. I just checked it again and it's down to 100.0 f. So nothing serious, but the little guy isn't in top form.
It's not all bad though. We played a little this morning. Just in the past two days, Corwin has discovered the joy of giving. Here he is giving me one of his favorite toys. An old water bottle filled with silver bells.
It should be noted that I'm typing this all with my right hand, as someone insists on being held in my left. He just leans against my chest occasionally uttering a little pathetic whine. The upshot is that if my left hand ever gets lopped off in a tragic scimitar juggling accident, I can still probaly type well enough to continue being a programmer.

I've also got a picture of Corwin playing with his friend Maia, before leaving daycare last week. Don't tell Anke, but I think Maia may be in love with me. Everyday when we pick up Corwin, she runs up to me with her little arms in the air wanting to be held. And she is so cute- clearly the second cutest tiny human at the daycare- that I just have to oblige her.
Toys - isn't that the way it goes with children. You buy them expensive toys and they play with the boxes. Or in this case the empty water bottle. :)
It is good to see a Father/Son bonding moment though. Always make me smile.
Some people buy expensive toys for thier kids. Me, I'm cheep. I'm going to keep giving Corwin card board boxes and plastic bottles till he gets sick of them. ;)
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