So the auction ends at 4:15 and I get home from work at 4:10. Happily, bidding on my shield has been stuck at 70 Euros all day. So I sit down and watch the bidding count down, like waiting for the ball to drop on New Years Eve in NYC. I refresh every minute. 4. 3. 2. 1 minute left. Everything is holding out. I'm feeling pretty good. 30 seconds left, and I'm now refreshing every 2 seconds. Looks like clear sailing. After all, it's 11:15 pm in Germany. Anyone else wanting this shield has clearly gone to bed. I'm now feeling a sense of ownership of my shield. 10 seconds. 5 seconds.
Current bid 116 Euros.
Some bastard came in and sniped me! I quickly tried to get in a 200 Euro bid- well above my own preset limit of 115- but it was too late. I felt like I had been robbed. I had already aquired a sense of ownership with it. It was my bloody shield! So anyway I propose a new rule to Ebay that anytime a bid is entered on an auction with less than one minute remaining, the auction be extended by one minute.
Maybe they'll take your concerns into consideration...
...and maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.
Yeah, not much hope of that, I fear. I have doubts that I'm the first person to come up with this idea.
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