When ordering Megamax- the transmission company- said that it should ship out in three weeks or less. Well they still haven't even started on the bloody thing yet! I was planning on installing it next weekend, but that plan now looks shot.
Hind-sight being 20/20, I'm wishing that I'd spent the extra $200 and gone with their competitor. I don't want to raise too much hell with Megamax because they still have to build the bloody thing and ship it to me. If I bitch too much, they might rush it and ship me a shoddy unit and I'm doing the same damn thing next year. Which I don't want to do. I 'spose I'll just have to be patient.
Sorry to hear about it. Is the Gutless out of commission currently?
Did you ever receive the transmission? I've been waiting since May for a tranny from Megamax, and it's now the end of August
Sorry for the late reply, as I had comment modereration on and didn't know it!
If you've been following along with the blog, you know that I did eventually get the tranny.
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